Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 14 (1985)(ASP Software)(Side B).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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  11 ";s$(s);" ";s$(s);"
   8 ";s$(s);s$(s);s$(s);"
   7  ";s$(s);" 
   6 to=pr+nb+ft+rn+st:
   6 "9";"PRESS A KEY": 
   5 - Q to Quit":
   4 q(cp)=q(cp-1
   4 h;"Page ";a/h:
   4 h;"PRESS A KEY":
   4 ;"GO for 1  ":
   4 ;"    PRESS A KEY     ":
   4 "8";"START THE TAPE":
   4        THEN PRESS ANY KEY       
   2 r(l)=r(l+1
   2 r(i)=r(i+1
   2 h;" 48K Only"''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   2 f(i)+f(j)=15
   2 c(i)=d(i)-s*13
   2 a(i)=m(i):
   2 Wallies   
   2 Softaid   
   2 P(TOX,TOY)=2
   2 JewelPower
   2 Channel4  
   2 ;l$;" ";b$(1
   2 ;"Your hand scores ";to
   2 ;"My hand scores ";to
   2 ;"GAME OVER-you've won":
   2 ;"GAME OVER-I've won  ":
   2 ;"*           *";
   2 ;" for ";ps;"    "
   2 ;" GAME   ";:
   2 ;"    GO ":
   2 *YJUMPED,3
   2 *XJUMPED-2
   2 (     (((((8  ((
   2 "JewelPower"
   2 "Channel4"
   1 zz8`hh`z```pPPPPPPPPPPPPPxxxP88Bzz8`hh`P```p8888PPpPPPPPPPPPP88BBz8`hh`P```pppppPPpppppPPPpPPppBBB8`hh`p```pppppPPpppppPPPppp`pBBB8`hh`p```pppppPPpppppPPPppp`p
   1 z$="2000vv02"+a$:
   1 z$="18000102What do you think about":
   1 z$="12020303A B C D E":
   1 z$="09010202"+r$(13
   1 z$="08000404UPGRADES":
   1 z$="05010504MODEMS":
   1 z$="05010202"+r$(1
   1 z$="03000420THANKYOU":
   1 z$="03000304ISSUE 15":
   1 z$="02000102cut it out and posted it then":
   1 z$="00040202PERIPHERALS":
   1 z$="00020202CARDS & CODES":
   1 z$="00010202SPECTRUM PLUS?":
   1 z$="00000404PRINTERS":
   1 z$="00000402SOFTWARE":
   1 z$="00000202NOW FOR THE WORK":
   1 z$="00000202MORE ABOUT YOU.":
   1 z$="00000202FILLING UP BOXES":
   1 z$="00000102If you have filled in the form,":
   1 z$="00000102HOW MANY ISSUES HAVE YOU SEEN?":
   1 z$=" used in a calculation separate  from the function call, and     hence not upset by it.          "+
   1 z$=" You may have noticed the POKEs  in line 3 in Wizard Prang's     bit in this issue (if you don't look at the listings then you   are missing half the magazine). These transfer the address in   the NXTLIN variable, which      points to the location of the   line following line 3, to the   VARS variable, which points to  the end of the program.":
   1 z$=" Un-important bugs are those     that effect only the formatting of text, like the CHR$ 9 and    CHR$ 8 errors. These are cursor control characters for cursor   right and left (backspace).     The first doesn't work at all,  and the second fails when you   try to backspace from screen    line 1 to line 0, and worse if  you try it from line 0 to -1!.":
   1 z$=" This trick can be performed in  reverse too, to remove all of   a program above a given line.   To do this, you poke the PROG   variable, which points to the   beginning of the program, with  NXTLIN, then STOP. This removes everything up to and including  the line that does the POKEs.   It's actually still there, but  it will neither LIST nor SAVE.":
   1 z$=" This tells the BASIC that the   program ends after line 3. By   itself this would only cause    trouble, as there is no end of  program marker. There should    be a byte equal to 128 instead  of the next line number. This   detail is put right by the      CLEAR command following the     POKEs, which places the marker  in the location VARS points to.":
   1 z$=" The ones that are important     are the '-65536' bug, which     renders this number as -1 when  it figures in some types of     calculation (try to PRINT INT   -65536) and the division error  which causes the calculation of many fractions to be wrongly    rounded (try PRINT 1/2-.5).     These bugs can lead to puzzling and intractable mistakes.":
   1 z$=" The omission of the systems     variables from the new manual   issued with the Spectrum Plus   was a mistake, as they are the  most useful part of the larger  manual that came with the       original Spectrum. Those four   pages are thumbed grey in my    own copy, though much of the    rest remains unread. Many of    the mag's tricks require them.":
   1 z$=" The entertaining bug is the     'Scroll?' bug that reprints     the last direct command entered and then a string of garbage    including most of the Spectrum  keywords when you reply to      'Scroll?' by pressing both caps shift and symbol shift together twice and then pressing any     other key. Oddly enough this    doesn't seem to do any harm.":
   1 z$=" The Spectrum has been around a  long time now- ages in terms    of computer life expectancy.    One computer year is worth 3    dog years, which as you know    are worth seven human years.    That makes the Spectrum over    65, about time for the case to  turn grey. It's a spritely old  codger though, due to regular   games of 'Daley's Decathalon'.":
   1 z$=" More esoteric are errors that   cause SCREEN$ and STR$ to store too many results, supplanting   any figure already stored and   about to be calculated with the result of the STR$ or SCREEN$   function. These bugs can lead   to mistakes that matter, but    they can be easily cured by     using the function to define a  variable, which can then be":
   1 z$=" If you use the CLOSE # command  without first opening the       stream you are about to close,  then you are likely to reset    the computer if you use a       stream number higher than 3.    As the OPEN # command is only   useful with microdrives, CLOSE  should be avoided on unexpanded machines. When microdrives are  fitted, this bug disappears.":
   1 z$=" If you had stored the original  PROG in a couple of variables   you could now POKE it back in   and get the 'deleted' part of   the program back. The only way  to really delete it and         reclaim the memory is to use    NEW, which will remove the      whole thing, of course, so this technique should only be used   to shorten a prog for saving.":
   1 z$=" For those with Pluses, here are the System variables addresses:    VARS    23627 and 23628         PROG    23635 and 23636         NXTLIN  23637 and 23638      Each requires two locations to  store a two byte address, but   you need not calculate the      decimal equivalent, just move   the two bytes from one place    to the other.":
   1 z$=" During this period, most of     the Spectrum's often charming   and entertaining bugs have      been extensively documented in  various books and magazines.    The Spectrum is not as badly    afflicted as its detracters     make out, however, and few of   the bugs actually have any      important effect on the working of a program. ":
   1 z$=" Any number above 62222 will     fail in this way if entered as  a direct command, and sometimes an even lower number will fail  within a program. There is of   course no reason to use so big  a number with RESTORE, but      care must be taken when select- ing DATA by computed RESTOREs   to ensure that this limit is    not exceeded accidentally.":
   1 z$=" Another lethal bug, which I     have not seen described before  elsewhere (can this be yet      another first?), is the RESTORE bug. RESTORE can be used alone  or with a line number, but the  ROM doesn't check that this     number is a legal line number.  If you RESTORE 65000 it will be accepted, but the computer will hang up looking for line 65000.":
   1 z$="  Press 'L' to LOAD the next      section of the magazine."+
   1 z$="   Sorry, Cribbage needs 48K-    Let tape run- Loading reviews"
   1 z$="       Loading Cribbage                  Let tape run":
   1 z$="         Poking Around":
   1 z$="          A New Bug?":
   1 ves  the emotional identification    with the character that makes   most adventure games work. Also it 
   1 v=v+yc*0.08
   1 v=v+f(i)/1000
   1 udgs      
   1 survey    
   1 solitaire 
   1 sc+f+f(j)=31
   1 s(i)=s(i+1
   1 rrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee. I expect there are a few you are missing, too."
   1 reviews   9
   1 r(i)=r(i+2
   1 r(i)=a(i)-13
   1 r(i)<r(i+1
   1 r(i)-r(j)=1
   1 r(d(i))<32
   1 r$(n)="X":
   1 q(cp)=q(cp-2
   1 q$="Do you think it you will upgradethis machine to 48K?"
   1 q$="Did you upgrade from 16K?":
   1 pxxxxxxx0WPpppppPPpppp8PPPp8888
   1 ppxxxxxxxWTPPPPPPPpppppPPPppp88
   1 ppx`hh`Q`TTPPxxxxxxxxPPPPPPPP88
   1 pp``XxxxxxWp8888PPp8888PPPp8888
   1 pokecraft j
   1 p(l)=p(l+1
   1 p(l)<p(l+1
   1 p(k)=p(k+1
   1 owing the channel four program. Unlikesimilar broadcast software from the BBC, the Buff's stuff is notsent in tedious 'basicode' but  in th
   1 m(k)=c(k):
   1 l$="OK I've chosen. Which two do youwant in the box"
   1 h;"48K Mostly"''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   1 f(k)+f(l)>5
   1 f(k)+f(l)=5
   1 f(k)+f(l)=15
   1 f(k)+f(l)<15
   1 f(i)=f(i+1
   1 f(i)+f(j)=5
   1 cribbage2 ?p?
   1 cribbage  ~
   1 char      
   1 ccccccc????cccc0
   1 c(j)=c(j+1
   1 c(aa)=d(k):
   1 azine Ltd.   *6\$:
   1 `vffffv``0
   1 `nffhfn``8
   1 `flflfff`8
   1 `flfffff`0
   1 Z$="03010202READERS SURVEY":
   1 Z$="00060102Spectrum Computing":
   1 Z$="00020204STORAGE MEDIA":
   1 VERTICAL MOVE          
   1 VALIDATE MOVE          
   1 The all adventure issue (No.12)?K
   1 Spectrum Computing/
   1 Q";s$(s);" 
   1 Please write your answers on thecard. Press a key when finished.
   1 PRINT NEW "CURSOR"     
   1 PRESS Y for YES or N for NO.
   1 PRESS A, B, C, D, OR E
   1 PEGS=PEGS-1
   1 MOVE IS O.K.           
   1 MOVE INPUT             
   1 K";s$(s);" 
   1 J";s$(s);" 
   1 INSTRUCTIONS           
   1 Hold S for 
   1 HORIZONTAL MOVE        
   1 GAME WON               
   1 GAME NOT WON           
   1 Did you upgrade from 16K?A 
   1 DRAW BOARD             
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 BB8`hh`p```pppppPPpppppPPPppp8pp8p8`hh`p```pppppPPpppppPPPppp8pppp8`hh`p```pppppPPpppppPPPppp8pppp8`hh`00``pppppPPpppppPPPpppppppp8`hh`0``ppppppPPpppppPPPppppppppp`hh`````888pppppppppPPPpppppppp8`hh`````PPPP8888ppppPPPpppppppp8```````TTPPPPPPPPP88pppppp8pp888```````TThhhhPPPPPPPPP88888888888888``TTThXkkhhhhhPPPPPPPP88888888888TTTThXXXXXkkhhhhhhPPP88888888888TTPPhXXpppXppXXkkkhhh
   1 ALTER VARIABLES        
   1 <<|~fx|<f~|
   1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<=
   1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
   1 ;PEGS;" PEGS";
   1 ;JUMPS;" MOVES";
   1 ;"by P.A.Erentz"
   1 ;"Your turn-which card? (G for GO)":
   1 ;"Your box, your deal"
   1 ;"Your box scores ";to
   1 ;"YOU MADE";
   1 ;"WELL DONE"
   1 ;"Use keys 5-8 to position the    flashing cursor over the piece  you wish to move and press 'J'. Next,position the cursor over"
   1 ;"This is your chance to influencethe future of the magazine."
   1 ;"This  July   Jan  1983   1982"'" Year  to Dec to"'"       1984   June";
   1 ;"The ancient european game of    logic. The game commences with across shaped peg board having   pegs in every hole but the      centre."
   1 ;"TRY AGAIN";
   1 ;"Press Y to continue,N to choose again.":
   1 ;"Please study your hand whilst I choose my two cards for";:
   1 ;"PEGS LEFT";
   1 ;"My box scores ";to
   1 ;"MOVES ";JUMPS;
   1 ;"MOVES    "
   1 ;"LET TAPE RUN "
   1 ;"LEAVING";
   1 ;"IN ";JUMPS;
   1 ;"GO        ":
   1 ;"Everyone's a Wally";
   1 ;"Do you use a printer?"'''" 
   1 ;"Do you think you will buy the   next issue in July?":
   1 ;"Do you have any way of storing  programs or data other than on  normal cassettes?"'''" 
   1 ;"DO YOU USE A MODEM?":
   1 ;"Channel 4 Software Transmissions"''"   Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 
   1 ;"COMPLETED";
   1 ;"2 FOR HIS NOB!":
   1 ;"1 for you ":
   1 ;".....=";PEGS
   1 ;"*************";
   1 ;"*************"
   1 ;"* SOLITAIRE *";
   1 ;"(Y OR N)"
   1 ;" your box"
   1 ;" my box  "
   1 ;" Softaid from Everybody"''
   1 ;" Page ";a;"  ENTER=Next SPACE=Back"
   1 ;" LOADING "
   1 ;" CRIBBAGE ";
   1 ;"  Press P to play again or        Press I for Instructions or     Press L to LOAD next section"
   1 ;"  My box, my deal  "
   1 ;"  Jewel of Power from Slogger"''
   1 ;"     PRESS ANY KEY TO BEGIN     ":
   1 ;"          Press a Key":
   1 ;"          ":
   1 ;"            ":
   1 ;"              "
   1 ;"                ":
   1 ;"                                ":
   1 ;"                                                                ";
   1 ;"                                                                ":
   1 ;"        
   1 8`hh`z``TPPxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxP88
   1 8`hh`z``TPPPPPPPPxxxxxxxxxP88
   1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   1 888880000000000000000000000008' <88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
   1 8300000000088888888
   1 300000000.88888888
   1 0the   normal Spectrum format.":
   1 000000000000000000008
   1 000000000(88888888
   1 00(88888888
   1 .0000000.(((&&((
   1 ,"-3",".15","0","1","2",".15","-5",".15","-3",".3","0",".3","2",".3","7",".15","9",".15","2",".3","7",".3","9","1","11"
   1 +f+f(j)=31
   1 +" Bugs which actually cause the   computer to crash are not very  likely to produce a mistaken    calculation! Still, this can be worse than a mistake even in    fiscal arithmetic, especially   if you program for a living.":
   1 +"  Press any other key to read     this section again.":
   1 *(TOY>FROMY)-1
   1 *(TOY<FROMY):
   1 *(TOX>FROMX)-1
   1 *(TOX<FROMX)
   1 *(FLASHY=8
   1 *(FLASHY=6
   1 *(FLASHY=2
   1 *(FLASHY=0
   1 *(FLASHX=8
   1 *(FLASHX=6
   1 *(FLASHX=2
   1 *(FLASHX=0
   1 );" and ";b$(2
   1 )+" "+r$(7
   1 )+" "+r$(4
   1 )+" "+r$(22
   1 )+" "+r$(19
   1 )+" "+r$(16
   1 )+" "+r$(10
   1 (q(cp)-q(cp-2
   1 (q(cp)-q(cp-1
   1 (FROMY-TOY)=2
   1 (FROMX-TOX)=2
   1 (     =====8  ((((((88888888
   1 (     777778  ((
   1 (     000008  ((
   1 (             ((((((88888888
   1 ''''"IS THIS A SPECTRUM+ ?"
   1 ''''"About how many other issues of  Spectrum Computing have you run?"
   1 '''"You will have noticed that the  top corner of the backing card  is a postcard."''"We would like you answer the    questions coming up in this     program, fill in the card and   return it to us."
   1 '''"You are running this on a ";m$;'"machine. (You probably know thisalready, but the program had to check this so that we would knowtoo!)"
   1 '''"When you have filled all the    squares please press any key forthe last four questions."
   1 '''"How old are you?"'''" 
   1 '''"Have you bought a Spectrum tape for more than `6.00 in the last two months?"''"If so, what sort was the last   one you bought?"
   1 '''"Do you use a joystick?"'''" 
   1 ''"The next page will explain how  it all works."
   1 ''"Please fill the boxes like this."''"1";
   1 '"You play against the computer.  Cards score twice- First in playand again in the final count.   Every combination totaling 15   scores 2. Pairs score 2, trebles6, and four of a kind 12. Runs  score the number of cards in therun, and need not be played in  sequence. A flush only counts inthe final show of the hand."''"The scoring will be done by the computer, you will be pleased tohear!"
   1 '"When did you first start using aSpectrum?"
   1 '"What's in it for you?"''"Well, apart from a magazine moreattuned to your needs, the first5 cards picked at random on 5th July will receive a FREE 6 issuesubscription to this magazine."
   1 '"We hope that you will spare a   few minutes to let us know a    little more about you, your     computer and your opinions."''"This should help us to identify possible areas of improvement."
   1 '"This program will explain how tofill in the card."
   1 '"These programs have all been in the charts at one time or other,and if any one of them is absentfrom your collection, it will beworth the fiver for that programalone. Forget about the charity aspect and exercise your basest motives. There's over fifty quidworth of games here for a give- away price. You cannot go wrong."
   1 '"There is a 'hit' record on one  side of the cassette, which is amistake. We had lots of trouble hyperLOADing the other side and only managed at the 4th attempt by tweaking the speed control.  If yours won't LOAD, refer not  to 'the Spectrum manual' but to the sale of goods act. They mustthink everyone's a wally."
   1 '"There are six characters in all,and you can control only one at a time. The others wander off   under their own steam, and you  have to go and find them if you want to change identities."
   1 '"The objective of the game is to remove all the pegs barr one,   and to leave the last peg in thecentre of the board."
   1 '"The graphics screens flash up   speedily enough and they are    redrawn to show the effect of an'open door' command. In some    locations enormous faces appear and vanish."
   1 '"The March 19th transmission was made up of 18 minutes of class  progs from Melbourne House and  MicroMega. Much of this was justblatant advertising, as might be":
   1 '"The Buff's transmission quality is excellent, and even the fast loader routine on 'Jasper' came over OK. I used a video recorder(on the timer, 10 AM is much tooearly) and dubbed a further copyto cassette and it STILL LOADs.": 
   1 '"Slogger's practice of handing   out comprehensive crib sheets   with maps to reviewers is to be applauded, as it means the help columns in the magazines will bewell informed. If that's not    enough, punters get Slogger's   own phone number with the game, to call if you're really stuck."
   1 '"Slogger needs to upgrade their  tape duplication. Only one side of the review copy would LOAD,  even though it's SAVEd in the   normal Spectrum format.":
   1 '"Pegs are removed by 'jumping'   one peg over another into an    empty hole and removing the     jumped peg. Only horizontal and"
   1 '"Obviously the hope is that you  will like the sample screens so much that you buy the game, but free games, even truncated ones,of this quality are not to be   sneezed upon."
   1 '"Most of the activity takes placein the village, but you stumble into arcade sequences too.":
   1 '"Included are: Ant attack from   Quicksilva, Gilligans Gold from Ocean, 3D Tank Duel from Real   Time, Sorcery from Virgin, The  Pyramid from Fantasy, Kokotoni  Wilf from Elite (in our snap),  Spellbound from Beyond, Starbikefrom The Edge, Jack and the BeanStalk from Thor, Horace Goes    Skiing from Melbourne House, andof course the Band-Aid single."
   1 '"If you cannot move,or simply    wish to resign,press 'R'."
   1 '"An extra card is cut which can  be combined with any hand in thefinal show. If it's a Jack it   scores 2. First to 121 wins."
   1 '"Although this means that many ofthe transmissions are in some   kind of useless 'atari' format, at least the Spectrum ones are  not limited to the pedestrian   gait of the basicode subset."
   1 '                   "There are some awkward features.I had a great deal of trouble   in the scene illustrated, tryingto open a door which I knew was there but couldn't name to suit":
   1 "vertical jumps are permitted:no diagonal jumping is allowed. Youmay only jump 1 peg at a time:  jumping over holes is not       allowed.            "
   1 "the software reviews?","the strategy games?","the utility programs?","the hardware reviews?","the readers' letters?","The all adventure issue (No.12)?"
   1 "the program until I realised    that it wanted 'trap door' and  not 'trapdoor'. This fussiness  about syntax is common enough inadventures but is disappearing  from the better ones nowadays."
   1 "the hole you wish to jump into  and press 'J'. The spectrum     checks jumps and rejects illegalmoves.";
   1 "the arcade games?","the editorials?","Hacker's Hangout?","Wizard Prang?","the cartoon?"
   1 "solitaire"
   1 "pokecraft"
   1 "expected, but interesting, like the 'Mugsy's Revenge' preview   (press S) which was actually    animated. There were playable   bits as well, though, in the    form of two screens of 'Sir     Lancelot' and one of 'Jasper'."
   1 "cribbage2"
   1 "cribbage"
   1 "You've won by ";121
   1 "You may already have a copy of  this software counterpart of theBand-Aid audio hit. If so, then buy another for a friend. Not   only does most of the money go  to relieve the famine in Africa,but you get a tremendous bargainto boot. Its a better deal than the original record, and you getthat thrown in!"
   1 "You contribute 2 of your 6 cardsto the 'box', an extra hand thatscores for each player in alter-ation."''"During play you select a card bypressing the number appearing   above it. If you cannot play a  legal card then press 'G' for   'Go'. The running total of cardsplayed must not exceed 31. If   both players 'Go' than the last to play scores 1, unless exactly31 is reached, which scores 2.  The total goes back to zero and play continues till all cards   have been played."
   1 "Which parts of the magazine are of the most interest to YOU?"''"Please select the answer which  best describes your feelings."
   1 "This sequel to Pyjamarama is    even more colourful and complex.You get large sprites and highlydetailed playing screens, as we now expect from Wally, but this time you can control the other  members of Wally's gang as well,indeed you must switch from one to the other, using each one's  individual skills, to perform   the tasks in the game."
   1 "This offering from a new companyis an enormous graphic adventurewith a claimed 120 scenes and a vocabulary of 700 words. Some ofthe screens even have animated  effects. The special morons map that we reviewers (but not you  purchasers) get runs to seven A4pages. Lots for your money."
   1 "Softaid is top of the charts as I write, and every sale helps tofeed the starving.":
   1 "Personally, I feel that this    multi-personality aspect is an  unlikeable gimmick. It removes  the emotional identification    with the character that makes   most adventure games work. Also it makes the puzzles harder to  solve, as the right action won'twork if performed by the wrong  member of the gang, leading to  FRUSTRATION."
   1 "Linked to the '4 Computer Buffs'series, these transmissions     take place on the day following the channel four program. Unlikesimilar broadcast software from the BBC, the Buff's stuff is notsent in tedious 'basicode' but  in the proper format for the    target machine designated."
   1 "I've won by ";121
   1 "I have a lot of software for theSpectrum, as most new games are sent us for review more or less automatically, but amongst my   several hundred tapes I have no copy of four of the ten games onthis tape. I expect there are a few you are missing, too."
   1 "ERASE" OLD CURSOR     
   1 ";s$(s);" 
   1 "8";"from Mikrogen"''
   1 ".3","0",".15","-3",".15","0","1","2",".15","-5",".15","-3",".3","0",".3","2",".3","7",".15","9",".15","2",".3","7",".3","9","1.4","2"
   1 ".3","0",".15"
   1 ".2","7",".2","4",".2","12",".6","9",".2","4",".2","2",".2","7",".6","4",".2","2",".2","0",".2","2","1.4","4"
   1 ".2","4",".2","2",".2","5","1.4","4",".4","11",".2","9",".2","9",".2","7",".2","5"
   1  What sort of utility would      you like to see?"''"
   1  What sort of new feature        would you like us to start?"''"
   1  Use LIST 2    
   1  TO QUIT."
   1  Any other comments."
   1  ";s$(s);"Q
   1  ";s$(s);"K
   1  ";s$(s);"J
   1  ";s$(s);"
   1   yes with Kempston interface,"''" 
   1   yes with INTERFACE II,"''" 
   1   more than 10.":
   1   discs,"''" 
   1   between 4 and 10,"''" 
   1   any other type."
   1   a mechanical joystick,"''" 
   1   ZX Printer,"''" 
   1   ZX Microdrive,"''" 
   1   Yes, but another sort."
   1   Yes, an arcade game."''" 
   1   Yes, an adventure."''" 
   1   Yes, a utility program."''" 
   1   Which educational topic         would be useful to you?"
   1   Wafadrive,"''" 
   1   The magazine is used by a       family or other mixed age       group."
   1   Quite good. Keep it going."''" 
   1   One previous issue,"''" 
   1   None apart from this one,"''" 
   1   No."''" 
   1   Neutral (or haven't seen it)"''" 
   1   Less of this for me please."''" 
   1   Irritating. Drop it."
   1   Great, let's have more."''" 
   1   Full width printer"''" 
   1   Alphacom,"''" 
   1   25 or over,"''" 
   1   2 or 3 other issues,"''" 
   1   17 to 24,"''" 
   1   13 to 16,"''" 
   1   12 or under,"''" 
   1        Loading Cribbage                  Let tape run
   1           A New Bug?A
   1            "